October Update


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Hi everyone! Things have been quite quiet on the blog front recently. I’m sorry about the lack of new posts, but I’m here to give you a bit of an update and new posts are in the pipeline as you’re reading this!

I did actually film a video last month, but I struggled to edit it by myself as I have never edited a video before (and my laptop is basically a dinosaur), so I didn’t get round to posting it. I will take another look at the footage at some point and I might post it anyway if I can get it edited!

On 1st September, I started a new job as a teaching assistant, so that I can have a more regular schedule to assist with my dance training. Even though I’m now busy all day every weekday, I always work the same hours, leaving my evenings and weekends free for dance. It’s been hard as basically all of my time is allocated to something, but it’s definitely been better in terms of taking class more consistently and also trying new things. I have been able to add a contemporary class into my routine, and I have tried a couple of new classes on the weekends.

I have also started a course in learning how to code- I’m learning HTML, CSS and Java Script to begin with, so fingers crossed this blog is going to be looking super-fly in a few weeks’ time! It’s another addition to my already-packed week, but it’s been so useful and surprisingly enjoyable, I’m loving it so far!

Another big piece of news is that for over a month now I’ve been following The Body Coach’s 90-day Shift, Shape and Sustain plan. I’ve just finished Cycle One and am starting Cycle Two. I’m going to write a post about my experiences so far, but I’m so impressed with the progress- check out my Instagram for my 4-week progress pictures! This has been a major contributor to my not having much time recently, because this plan takes quite a bit of time and commitment, and I’m determined to get everything I can out of it.

Between the time spent planning and preparing meals, doing the workouts, then my new job, my coding course and all the dancing I need to be keeping up with, I’m super-stretched and still trying to work things out. Whilst I’m not there yet, I am getting there, so I want to make sure that my blog (as well as my Twitter and Instagram) is being updated regularly with some great, interesting content! There are so many things I want to share at the moment, it’s just finding the time to get it done. I have a couple of new posts coming up, and I’m going to do my best to keep them coming thereafter as well. Also, keep an eye on my twitter and Instagram for regular updates and stories. As always, you can let me know in the comments anything you want to see or know more about!


It’s good to be back!


Until next time,


Jessica x

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