How I’m Hacking my Habits to Achieve my Goals for 2025

Hello dancers and dance lovers! I know… long time, no posts. I’m excited to get back to the blog this year after a lengthy hiatus while I focused more on my career and other projects, and I hope you’ll be along for the ride with me. It’s the start of a new year, and I’m…

8 Lessons I Learned in my First Year as a Professional Dancer

As you may have already seen if you follow me on Instagram, I recently acknowledged my one-year anniversary of working full-time as a freelance professional dancer. Despite the obvious challenges of starting your arts career in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, I’ve been exceptionally blessed, and I’ve really had some dreams come true this…

Dance Studio Photoshoot

Hi dancers! I hope that you’re all holding up OK during this very unusual time. Here in the UK we’re beginning a second week of enforced quarantine, but for most of us we are actually entering the third week. I’m really glad that just before all of this happened, I had the opportunity to do…

Secret London: Barbican Conservatory

Hi dancers! I really hope that you have been enjoying my Secret London series. I’ve been posting dance photo galleries here for a couple of years now, but this series is a way for me to add another element and share with you some of the places I love in my home city. I’m trying…

Defiance in the face of Brexit at Sadlers Wells

Maybe in years to come, people will ask me what I was doing on the night the UK left the EU. I’ll be proud to say that I was at the Sadlers Wells theatre in London, embracing a diverse programme of dance featuring dancers and styles from all around the world. As the last few…

Secret London: Mercato Mayfair

Hi dancers! I really hope that you enjoyed my first post in the new Secret London series I have introduced. If you didn’t catch it, click HERE to read about The Garden at 120 Fenchurch Street, where you can enjoy stunning views that are completely free whilst avoiding the crowds. Today I want to share…

Secret London: The Garden at 120- Photo Gallery

Hi dancers! One of the benefits of having a photographer boyfriend is that my Instagram feed is never short of great professional photos. We really love to collaborate on fun experimental photoshoots- in the past we’ve thrown around paint powder, and glitter, I’ve gotten my pointe shoes out in Notting Hill, and we’ve been kicked…

What’s Going On? Posterior Impingement Syndrome

Hi dancers & dance lovers! If you don’t follow me on social media, this will be the first you’ve heard from me in some time. That’s actually because I’ve been out for several months with an injury. Even though that means I’ve technically had more time for writing than I usually would, creating content about…

Review of BalletBoyz Them/Us

Last night I was fortunate enough to attend the BalletBoyz West End debut with the double bill Them/Us at the Vaudeville Theatre. I’d seen and heard a lot about the small company, including some of their programmes on Sky Arts a few years ago, but hadn’t yet had the opportunity to watch them in performance. This…

Guide to Bullet Journaling for Dancers

This is a long-promised post, so I really hope it helps out those of you who are already bujo fans, or if you’re interested in starting your first bullet journal. I’m going to tell you about bullet journaling, why bullet journaling is a useful practice for dancers, how I use my bullet journal, and give…