Self- Care Tips for Dancers

Dance is incredibly demanding, especially at a serious level. As dancers, we not only give an incredible amount of mental and physical energy to what we do, but what we do also informs the rest of our lives. You can’t keep dance and life separate, because when you dance, it IS your life. When every…

Life and Dance Update: May

So, after an incredibly busy period of constantly moving house, as well as many other life changes (detailed in my last post), I am finally settled into a new home and back in classes. Now that I have left my part-time day job in order to pursue dance more seriously, I am enjoying being able…

A Very Busy Spring

So, audition season is finally over, and things have continued to be absolutely crazy in my life! Auditions drew to a close a few weeks ago, and I didn’t get as many offers as I was expecting. Auditions were stressful, but exciting. It was amazing to get to go to so many fantastic schools I…

18 Things to Start Doing Today to Make You a Better Dancer

Hi there! I’m sorry that this is my first post this month, I’m currently smack-bang in the middle of my audition season, and I’ve never been so busy! I’ve had 3 auditions so far (one earlier today!) and I’m starting to get in the swing of it; I’ve got about 5 left, depending on call-backs….

Grit and Deliberate Practice

I have recently listened to an audiobook called “Grit: the power of passion and perseverance” by Angela Duckworth, which has been so enlightening to me in my dance training and pursuit of my goals, I feel I need to share some of what I have learned. First of all, I highly recommend that you read…

Goal-Setting: The Grid Method

Hi all! Sorry about the slight delay since my last post- I’ve been completing and submitting all of my dance course application forms. I’m starting to get my first audition dates through, so more on that soon! In my last post, which you can check out here if you missed it, I talked about my…

Things Dancers Can Learn from Olympians

With the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in full swing, everyone’s attention is on these extraordinary people who have achieved the unachievable. These are people who have devoted themselves to a goal and reached excellence- seeing people’s dreams coming true as they win medals for their country is surprisingly emotional and incredibly inspiring. I found myself thinking-…

An Update from London

  So I just want to apologise for the long absence. Things have gotten a little unexpectedly hectic in my life right now. It started off with a problem with my job, and snowballed from there. I have been applying for jobs and attending interviews, making plans, and I spent the last week working at…

How to Improve Your Sleep

This might seem like a strange topic for a dance blog, but it’s surprisingly important. Dancers have to train like athletes, and a huge part of training is allowing your body adequate recovery time. Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential in order to dance at your best, to improve and to get stronger. When you…

Overtraining, metabolic damage and recovery regime

  High guys! Sorry it’s been a while since my last post, I’ve been busy with work, and I’ve had a lot of planning to do for things coming up. Part of that planning includes this new regime I’ll be sharing with you! This a longer post than usual but read on to find out all…