So I just want to apologise for the long absence. Things have gotten a little unexpectedly hectic in my life right now. It started off with a problem with my job, and snowballed from there. I have been applying for jobs and attending interviews, making plans, and I spent the last week working at Glastonbury Festival (which was a fantastic experience, but I was sans internet for the duration of that). I’ve also still been working in my usual job and taking class.
Also, you have probably seen in the news, things have gotten pretty crazy here in the UK with the country split over the decision to leave the EU (I wanted to remain, as did almost everyone else I know). It’s a scary and uncertain time… I want to address this and talk to you guys about it, but right now I just don’t have the words.
Things are still going to be quite hectic, but I’m finding more of a rhythm within the chaos. I should be starting my new job in September, amongst many other big plans for the following year, and until then things are slightly uncertain. There’s bound to be times I will post more frequently, and times I will post less frequently, but I’m definitely going to post more than I have been recently!
I’m going to be posting the next parts in my series about ballet for adult beginners, and some other great posts about dealing with setbacks, bouncing back and moving forwards. Let me know in the comments anything else you’d like to see!
Stay tuned and thanks for being patient! As always, for daily updates you can always find me on Twitter (@blogballerina) and Instagram (@the_blogging_ballerina).
Jessica x