How I’m Hacking my Habits to Achieve my Goals for 2025

Hello dancers and dance lovers! I know… long time, no posts. I’m excited to get back to the blog this year after a lengthy hiatus while I focused more on my career and other projects, and I hope you’ll be along for the ride with me. It’s the start of a new year, and I’m…

Guide to Bullet Journaling for Dancers

This is a long-promised post, so I really hope it helps out those of you who are already bujo fans, or if you’re interested in starting your first bullet journal. I’m going to tell you about bullet journaling, why bullet journaling is a useful practice for dancers, how I use my bullet journal, and give…

Review: MiGoals Goal Planner & Diary

I hope that everyone has been having a great month & start to 2019! As promised, here is my second of three posts showing you some of the ways I use planners and journals to keep on top of things in my dance and personal life. The first post talked about The Happiness Planner and…

The Happiness Planner

As we’re at the start of a brand new year, I thought that this might be an appropriate time to share with you all some of the journals and planners I use to keep me on-track, both in my dance life and in my personal life. It’s at this time of year that some of…

Goal-Setting: The Grid Method

Hi all! Sorry about the slight delay since my last post- I’ve been completing and submitting all of my dance course application forms. I’m starting to get my first audition dates through, so more on that soon! In my last post, which you can check out here if you missed it, I talked about my…

2017 Thoughts

Hello and happy new year! Reflecting on the past year, things have been pretty crazy for me, and not always in a good way. December really culminated in a series of big changes and setbacks- however, I’ve had my time for moping and now it is time to move on and take action. The infrequency…

Things Dancers Can Learn from Olympians

With the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in full swing, everyone’s attention is on these extraordinary people who have achieved the unachievable. These are people who have devoted themselves to a goal and reached excellence- seeing people’s dreams coming true as they win medals for their country is surprisingly emotional and incredibly inspiring. I found myself thinking-…

Kikki.K Stationery Review

If you’ve been reading my blog a while, it’s probably evident from my previous favourites and my post about The Dancer’s Journal that I am really into my stationery! I am addicted to buying and using nice stationery, and I find it impossible to walk past a Paperchase. Recently , however, I especially love anything that is…

September Goals

So, September is upon us, and it’s the start of a new academic year! You might be starting a new school, going into a new class, moving away from home (or even moving country!) or just starting fresh in the same place. As the seasons change, and we start to calm down from what has…