How I’m Hacking my Habits to Achieve my Goals for 2025

Hello dancers and dance lovers! I know… long time, no posts. I’m excited to get back to the blog this year after a lengthy hiatus while I focused more on my career and other projects, and I hope you’ll be along for the ride with me. It’s the start of a new year, and I’m…

8 Lessons I Learned in my First Year as a Professional Dancer

As you may have already seen if you follow me on Instagram, I recently acknowledged my one-year anniversary of working full-time as a freelance professional dancer. Despite the obvious challenges of starting your arts career in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, I’ve been exceptionally blessed, and I’ve really had some dreams come true this…

The journey from creating in lockdown to performing in-person: ‘Speak Volumes’ by Alesandra Seutin and National Youth Dance Company at Sadler’s Wells

The process of bringing a dance piece to life is a fascinating one. It begins with the seed of an idea, an inspiration, and is brought to life with discussions, collaboration, rehearsals, research, funding, practice, refinement, changes- so much goes on between the initial idea and the finished piece. As an audience member, all of…

What does a dancer look like? Let’s Talk About Dis by Candoco

This week, Sadler’s Wells is bringing Candoco to their Digital Stage. Let’s Talk About Dis is a piece created in 2014 by visual artist Hetain Patel for Candoco, a contemporary dance company of disabled and non-disabled performers. Let’s Talk About Dis is not your typical dance piece. It presents the dancers in a more personal…

Racism in Dance

Racism in dance exists. This post is not going to discuss or debate whether racism, discrimination, prejudice, lack of diversity, lack of representation, white supremacy, racial stereotyping and bias exist in the dance world- the answer to all of the above is yes. Even though Misty Copeland is a Principal dancer with ABT. Even though…

Claudia Dean World LIVE Review & First Impressions

Today’s post is one that I know people have been looking forward to for a little while- my honest thoughts on Claudia Dean’s brand new online platform. I took the Class With Claudia summer intensive in London last summer, and in those three days I learned so many amazing corrections and exercises that transformed my…

Secret London: Mercato Mayfair

Hi dancers! I really hope that you enjoyed my first post in the new Secret London series I have introduced. If you didn’t catch it, click HERE to read about The Garden at 120 Fenchurch Street, where you can enjoy stunning views that are completely free whilst avoiding the crowds. Today I want to share…