Most dancers I know are pretty obsessed with health: myself included. As people with such a physically demanding lifestyle, it is important that we are well-nourished and energised to get through each day, perform at our best, and avoid injuries. Dance as a profession also demands an especially slim physique, so dancers are usually keen…
Tag: eating disorders
Dance and Nutrition Part One: My Story
Dance and Nutrition: what an important topic. Dance is incredibly demanding- dancers train (at least) as hard as athletes, however as artists are required to maintain a certain line. (‘Line’ is how we often describe the shape of the body in dance, both in general and when in specific poses). I recently went to see…
What’s the big- or not so big- deal with eating disorders in ballet?
“In fact, let’s use office workers as an example. Imagine that your place of work decided that there was to be a uniform, and that uniform was a leotard and pink tights. Every day, you went into work in this unforgiving uniform, and compared yourself to everyone else wearing the exact same thing. Your differences are hugely magnified this way.”