Does social media help or hinder young aspiring dancers?

I enjoy social media; most of my generation do, and those younger than me seem to like and use it even more. It is a great way to stay in touch with friends, make new ones and get inspiration. However, there’s no denying it’s a big distraction. With the progression of technology, we can now…

The Blogging Ballerina is now on Instagram!

Follow me at the_blogging_ballerina where I’ll be updating daily! And if you aren’t already following me on Twitter, make sure you do for updates throughout the day! Happy dancing, Jessica x

3, 2, 1… Relaunch!

Hello everyone! Long time, no posts! I actually established this blog back in November 2014, but after a couple of weeks I actually moved to London and didn’t have a computer of my own, so I was unable to continue blogging. However, now I am back online and ready to continue bringing you fabulous content!…