8 Lessons I Learned in my First Year as a Professional Dancer

As you may have already seen if you follow me on Instagram, I recently acknowledged my one-year anniversary of working full-time as a freelance professional dancer. Despite the obvious challenges of starting your arts career in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, I’ve been exceptionally blessed, and I’ve really had some dreams come true this…

My Surgery Experience

If you’ve been following my story on this blog or my social media channels, you will know that for me, 2019 was really defined by my being injured. I say “being injured” because it most accurately describes the state I was in; I was in pain, I had swelling and inflammation, I was unable to…

Guide to Bullet Journaling for Dancers

This is a long-promised post, so I really hope it helps out those of you who are already bujo fans, or if you’re interested in starting your first bullet journal. I’m going to tell you about bullet journaling, why bullet journaling is a useful practice for dancers, how I use my bullet journal, and give…